Tip Dressing Tool - Razor Blade Rest

Here are a few pictures showing my original jig & how it is used.
HERE is a video showing it in actual use.
I get ready to dress the tip about 3:50 into the video.
NEW for 2022!
While many people simply eyeball the radius, many cue repairmen have
requested a razor blade rest that has a dime radius on one end.
The first generation rests I sold were .480" thick, which was a
problem for those using a small cue lathe. They were also made of
polypropylene - an economical though perfectly usable material in this
application. Over the 20+ years that I've been selling these jigs,
I realized that most people chose the single-ended rest with a dime
radius. As such, I've recently revised the design to reflect
market demand. The updated rest is now made from .375" thick
Lexan. It is sturdier than the poly rest and should fit any of the
small toolholders.
The price is $35 shipped in the USA.
you have questions.