Due to increased requests for numbered JP's, I made a compact, easily
indicated fixture to make life easier.

This simple black Delrin block is permanently mounted to my CNC table.
It's out of the way, unobtrusive yet readily accessible at any time.
The threads were live tooled for a snug fit so the JP's will locate
consistently and the raised boss makes it easy to indicate the fixture.
If I need to work on a female JP, I just install a pin & work from that.

Shown is a blackwood JP that will be getting a numbered ivory insert on
the top.

First, I have to cut the pocket for the ivory insert.

Next, the insert is epoxied in place, faced off in my lathe & I'm now
ready to cut.
If I have more than one JP to number, I face them all to the same
length, holding them with my sanding arbor in the lathe. This
makes it simple to face them all at the same setting which makes the
numbering easier.

This cutter is small enough to do delicate lettering yet strong enough
to take a little abuse. I have used .005" cutters with good
results but I really need a better spindle to use that size regularly.
This size works best for me.

This is the result after the first coat of clear.